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Harassed by Debt Collectors?or Creditors? 

Debt Collection Harassment Law protects victims of debt collection harassment.  When you are contacted by a debt collector, you need access to reliable information – fast. That’s why we’re here to help.


Here, you can learn about the illegal tactics and dirty tricks debt collection agencies use to put the squeeze on you, and how you can fight back.


We hope that you find this information useful, and urge you to contact us at (470) 353-8870 for a free debt collection harassment case evaluation.

Are you receiving harassing, abusive, or threatening phone calls or letters?
Did a debt collector advise you that this communication is from a debt collector?
Did a debt collector leave you a voice message that someone besides you overheard?
Have your friends or employer received phone calls or letters about your debt?
Does a debt you disputed or settled still appear on your credit report?
Learn About:
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the
Telephone Consumer Practices Act
The Prado Law Firm is here to help.

Your Debt Collection Rights – Learn which debt collectors are covered under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the illegal tactics used by some debt collectors, the role of fair debt attorneys, and how to sue debt collectors.


Debt Buyers – Debt buyers purchase large portfolios of charged-off debt, and then try to collect from consumers – sometimes subjecting them to debt collection harassment. Learn about the major players in the debt buying industry, statutes of limitations on debt, and what to do about time-barred debt.


Student Loan Debt Collection – Learn about the ways in which student loan debt collection differs from other types of debt collection, and about the debt collection agencies that collect for the Department of Education. Discover how to dispute a student loan and how to renegotiate the terms of a defaulted student loan.


Deceased Debt Collection – Unscrupulous debt collectors prey upon grieving loved ones in order to collect on debts owed by the deceased. Get straight information about what happens to debt when a person dies and the rules collectors must follow when collecting deceased debt – and what you can do if you’re subjected to debt collection harassment.


Zombie Debt Collection -  Zombie Debt is an industry term used for debt which has gone out of statute or is time-barred by the statute of limitations.  Learn what you can do if you are subjected to zombie debt collection. 


Your Rights and Default Judgments – Debt collectors often sue consumers and obtain default judgments – without the consumer’s knowledge. Learn about default judgments and how to vacate a judgment.


Older Adults in Georgia: Learn more about your rights in the Peach State, The Georgia Consumer Protection Guide for Older Adults 


Need Collection Defense NOW?
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Office: (470) 353-8870

© 2014 by The Prado Law Firm

This website is attorney advertising: prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. This is not legal advice. David Prado, Esq., is the Georgia attorney responsible for this advertisement.Do not assume that you are entitled to any compensation as a result of the consumer complaints you have. Compensation for potential legal violations, and any results obtained, depends upon the specific factual and legal circumstances of each case.

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